

Stuck in the Dent.

I'm still sick. hahas. Can't be helped I know. I only eat medicine once. After I sang today, it was slightly better. But, you believe me what drove me to sing out loud in the guides' dent. Eugenia tan and Jennifer locked us up in the guides' dent. There was Shu xian, Gwen, elle and me. We thought they wouldn't really lock us up but, they did eventually. Then, at first, we actually very bu suang.. So, we sat down. Then, I started singing. Then, Ellis say very not suitable for the situation. hahas. Then, we started singing a few songs. Like the school song. Then, we some sort of attracted the track and field guys from the field. We were pretty loud you know. Eugenia say that they could still hear us from the the foyer. hahas! Then, Since we have a few guys at the window already without the image of a knight saving a few damsel in distress. Instead, they took our chocolate which we allowed them to, as it was not so nice. Hahas. After that, they laughed at us then took off.

Hmmm, then, Eugenia and Jennifer came along saying that we should write our name with our butts. None of us heard them or bothered about doing it. We actually went to the door and tried to open it with loads of method. With hair pin, needle, and wire that was not stiff enough. Hahas. I know we were very stubborn but, what could we do? Hahas. After that, we tried looking for things that was valuable to them in the guides dent. Elle's idea that is. Then, of course we couldn't find anything. But, kept searching. We ound the drama materials but we were thinking, it's not our things, better not spoil it or anything. Then, Eugenia and Jen went off with us still stuck in the room. We became bored so we actually lied down on the floor and talk. After that,
we had an idea of doing work. Then, me and Shu xian started doing English, Ellis did maths and Gwen did chinese. At first, me and Shu xian read. After that, Gwen who was listening to her MP3 joined the noise with her Chinese reading. Then, a few minutes later, Ellis complaint about the noise. She said, one side English one side Chinese. Hahas. How confusing. We made the noise louder. AFte rthat, elle actually read out the maths equation!!! and we started laughing. hahas.

Hmmm, then, Eugenia and Jennifer still didn't want to let us go, they asked us to guess numbers. We guessed until the first number. which was 620. It was only for the first turn for the number. There's still a second turn for it. We gave up playing and went back sitting down. After that, and Shu xian started calling each othe rto prank call that their parents called. hhahas. It was very funny. we hope that Eugenia and Jennifer would hear and let us out. Cause parents have more authority. Hahas. But, it didn't really work. After the entire thing. It was already 6 plus. We were stuck for approximately 45 minutes. They gave up. They even called ellis saying that Eugenia and Jennifer had already gone home. But, we could hear them in the canteen. Hahas. VERY FAKE!!! hahas..

After that, we all went back home.. hahas.. Then, that was all. pretty exciting but I wouldn't want the same thing to happen. We even said that there's a lot of solid fuel and there's lighter. We could cook! hahas.. there's also sufficient sweets to last us for 3 days. hahas. with 2 cartons of milk!!!! hahas. In the end, of course we didn't do anything like that. But it's a comforting thought that we could do so much things in the guides dent. hahas. Night!!!!!!!!!!

I'm so bored right now. Later on, I'm going to bed to read my book. My sore throat is gone but, cough came back and running nose. Not only that, my phylm comes out green colour! My mucus as well. I know it's disgusting but it's just the fact. Now, I actually went to Jennifer's house to do the sewing up of the banner. Practically, me and eugenia was slacking. We were watching the little bride 18. It's a series show, that's why we had to keep changing disc everytime. But, the show is super nice!!!!!!! I was so addictive to it that I watched until 7.30 before I go home. Hahas. Stil got 6 more disc to go. Most prob, we'll be going to Jen's house to watch it. Hahas. I can't borrow from Eugenia because it's not hers. It's her aunt's colleage. Hahas. I know the relations are pretty far.

Oh well, I love the show!!!!!! 'Ni hui lai le' 'Wo hui lai le' Hahas. So cute!!!!!!!

Ok, I'm turning in already. I know it's a short post but I need to read book. hahas. nights!!!!!!

I need you to know that I do all these things not to hurt you but you tell you the truth. Sometimes, the truth hurts but you just have to accpet the reality. That's just life. I'm sorry if my words hurt your feelings. But sometimes, I'm not a robot that is immune to what my friends say. I'm those sort who will take thinsg too hard. When it is not even necessary. I hope this will not really spoil our friendship or any sort. You've got almost no one to turn to. I understand. But, sometimes, you need to reflect on what you say. I know that I have to as well, But I would like emphasize that no one's perfect and you should not change yourself if you don't want to. If you think it's for the better. By all means, do it. If you want to be that way, don't change yourself. Let the people around you change for your sake. I know it's selfish but do what you want to do and do what you enjoy. Don't cage yourself in a world that you have to constantly change just for the sake of others.

If you are moved to a different environment, are you going to change again when you're so happy with yourself. SO, find who you truly are, and stick to it.

Trust me, I may say things that hurt poeple, but, I like to write it down to make them realize things and for me to let it out of my chest. I could not stop thinking about it. but when I wrote about it, I fwelt a lot more better. So, bear thigns in mind.

I just got a bad sore throat in the afternoon. After that, my sore throat made the turn for the worse. I started having flu and cough. Then, at night, my breathing was hard. I could not breathe properly. My asthma was back. But it was not that bad as last time. I just ate medicine and it felt better. No air-con for me today.

Not only that, Singapore Idol is horrible. I don't like one of the girls. Oh well. My sister kept telling me not to talk to her as I may pass the germs to her. She's very sensitive to this kind of thing. I understand, but can she like put herself in my position when she sneezes. Oh boy, you wouldn't want to be near her when she does that. You know why? It's because all her saliva would fly to your thighs and it's just very unhygenic. Like Ewwww. She's talking to all sorts of guys right now. I see her old self again. Flirting. I pity her boyfriend. She tells him EVERYTHING. Even who she talks to or what she talk about. I wonder how he stands it. I mean, if i were him, I would blow up anytime. Well, I guess i'm not him, that's the point.

I tried talking to someone to ease my breathing a little to keep me distracted by my horrible throat which I find it even hard to talk. But, it didn't work cause someone was distracted himself. Oh well, can't be blamed.

I'm quite pissed at someone as well. It's not the same person. She actually told me off yesterday. I was not that happy as usual. As you know, I cannot eat most thing due to my religion. Next time, I will remember to bring my own packed lunch. So that I would not bother my friend about what they will be eating. Bunch of stupid idiots who does not respect people's religion. She asked why i cannot eat everything one? Why don't you just back off?

Then, it seems that I was not over the entire incident. I became pissed when she asked me about guides. Eugenia wants the program list soon. She wants the rough sketch. Oh well, I know that. But then, she said that she could not meet up. She's busy. As usual, a lot of things can run through my mind especially when I'm sick. I'm more prone to getting pissed off. I was saying inside my brain that like I'm not busy like that. She wanted to meet on tuesday morning. I'm not an early waker. I refuse to wake up early in the morning. After that, I said something like morning? As an indication whether it can be done on another set of time. She tells me that she can't do it at night. I'm like, I can't make it at night as well. WHO wants to go out at night to discuss about things that makes people feel as though they've go no life of their own?

It was suppose to be on the afternoon. Then, she changed to the fact that we actually no need to meet up. It can be easily discussed on the phone. Like duhh, why didn't I think of that earlier. After that, we were settled on doing it over the phone. And that was it. Silly me. Why do I have to get pissed at this stupid minor stuff. She thinks that she can't do it tomorrow. She says that she has an appointment in the morning. How about this? I've got an appointment with my maths 5 years series with Mrs. Li. Isn't that nice? Not only that, It would be held for 2 hours and a halve. After that, both of us with another group of us has an appointment as well. With Ms. Loh with our brains that just can't pass english.

After that, she's got chemistry project. I've got a meeting with the library that was always postponed due to certain reasons. For 2 weeks, it was postponed. It was such a longing for me. I managed to go once, but was held back when I was going to borrow the books. Hey, that part was my fault. I should even suggests on going to the library with someone else's library card.

I don't even feel like waking up tomorrow due to my condition. But, HEY! do I HAVE A CHOICE? Obviously, the answer is NO. So, I should just head out for bed dreaming of me not waking up for remedial lessons tomorrow. So, good luck and bye bye!

I believe there's change of my style of writting as I was commented by someone. It sesms are though my blog isn't what it used to be. Hahas. I admit, it's pretty much changed. There are totally no emotions. The emotions were not potrayed well. That's why I actually avoid descriptive essay. Hahas.

Oh well, I need to tell you about what happened today. I was really tired. There was too much 'hentak kaki'. It's pretty much annoying as my feet were aching. Not only that, I have to march for 4 hours at the academy. It's a combine rehearsal. I don't know how we're going to face it. The people in the contingent was not really that good. Therefore, I really hope that we would not embarass ourselves in front of the other CCAs.

I need to catch my dinner and sleep after a while. I'm so sorry for the stupid short update.. hahas!

I have gotten back my results. It was not as bad as I thought it was. I failed 4 subjects. Look on the bright side; I’ve got no F9. It has been quite an improvement for my physics. From a 9 to 8. Improved by one grade. I know it’s pretty pathetic. But nonetheless, I had improved. I was pretty disappointed in my English. It could never be a good grade for me. I failed it. It was really a shock to me. I need to buck up on my English. It seems as though my weak part is actually comprehension. I did a lot worse in Comprehension than in any other section of the English paper.

Massive amount of people was very shocked when I told them so. It was partially before of my vocal. I can speak well but I will not really do well on paper. I know that my English is as bad as any other people right now. There’s a great need to improve and do something about the language that may pull me down. It may not be an easy thing to do but I’m determined to do so. I wish that I would have enough energy at the end of every single day.

I was actually under s group called the focus group. We are supposed to see certain teachers as we have failed more than 3 subjects for mid-year. Mr. Chua had actually addressed the school about the issue. It was shocking that there were more than 100 people in the focus group. I was part of it and my other classmates were there as well. I know it’s pretty much drastic but I have to know where my weakness lies.

Do you know that chemistry needs a lot applying concepts instead of memorizing? I realized that this year and it has taken a lot of effort. I could not really blame it on my paper. It was partially of my fault that I did not study for chemistry.

Miss Loh actually took the classes 3e1 to 3e2. She talked to me. Both of parents were present with my sister as well. I know it’s pretty much extra. Nonetheless, Miss Loh actually knew my sister, which was an understatement. She told me that I was suppose to me better than my sister but why am I doing so badly now. Well, I must say that the pressure on the students is more Intense than last time. Not that there was much of difference of age between me and my sister, but we can see the syllabus change and the amount of topics I learn when I’m in a triple science and double Mathematics class. It’s not that easy to cope sometimes and people have to understand.

Well, that certainly showed that people actually thought highly of me. I need to bath right now. I’m very tired and need to prepare things for guides tomorrow. Goodbye.

(Words: 493)

I'm here again. It seems that my results was not what I had expected. It was horrible. I had studied pretty hard for it and this is the kind of feedback I get. Of course my dad was not informed of my sinful act! Merilyn is irritating me. That's probably because I'm very feisty right now. I even failed my English! It is the most embarrassing thing that had happened to me. That's why you can see why I've written in perfectly good English. Forgive me if there are a few grammatical. I'm still quite new to this new way of writing. I may be quite profound when I'm in my language during vocal but not on paper.

The thought of writing in perfect English without any Singlish is depressing. I’m quite use to writing with adding Singlish inside. And here I am, writing in a language that seems quite profound. I hope that my new arrangement of writing will help me improve my English language. I have yet to do something about my other language that is not doing so well either. But, it was not until to the extent of failing, although I do have a feeling that it is going to turn out that way. I just have to believe in myself and do my best in anything.

As my results were devastating, I am going to attend certain tuition to further improve myself. The only factor that affects that is my schedule. I am a very busy woman as you can see. My June holidays are filled with raging activities. It is horrifying just thinking about it.

There are days where we are to do badges like Total Defence and Crime prevention. Other than that, there’s a patrol leader’s camp coming up. Not only that, there are days whereby we need to come back for extra meetings to prepare for the campfire.

Other than that, I lack of sleep. I can’t wake up that willingly anymore. Wait, when was it that I was willing to get out of bed? That must be a dream. But, not, I am more reluctant that I had even been. It’s cruel thing to do to my body. We not only sacrifice our time, but our effort in preparing for the campfire. Come to think of it, we should actually involve more of the sec 2s. We are doing too much things by ourselves. We should involve them in order to pass down the knowledge down to them. If not, how are they going to learn in the near future?

Giolinni has also made me quite pissed. He laughed when I told him the amount of subjects we failed. Apparently, this is no laughing matter. I don’t see the need to laugh at all. Such audacity! Now, he just told me that he thought it was the other way round. He’s not too happy about that the fact that he laughed at me. Well, he sounded as though he is. Now, he is very shocked. He said, ‘OMG OMG’. Yes, it sounded pretty horrible. Well, that shows that he expected me to do better. I mean that is good and bad at the same time. It is good that he think highly of me but it’s not good the fact that he is disappointed. What am I crapping about?

Moving on, I need to read. I’m desperate. I’m retiring to bed soon after I finish this post. I’ve written quite a long post. But, I’m spouting nonsense most of the time. I don’t see the relevant points of the entire thing. Nonetheless, I can tell you how many words I’ve written at the end of the entry. I would expect a lot but I know I should not get my hopes up too high.

I found out something very interesting. You can write a lot when you are interested in the topic you’re talking or discussing about. My friends would have been quite surprise to read this entry as this is too long. It’s very unlikely I’ll write like this all the time.

Miss Chua had given me some tips. She told me to write a lot instead of reading. She said what’s the point of reading? She advised me to write blog entrees longer and written in perfect English. All the Singlish has to be avoided at all cost.

Not only that, I’m elated due to the response of two schools today. They had decided to come for our campfire and perform as well. It’s a pity that certain schools are not performing. I hope Seng Kang will reply us soon. It is heard that they are coming to our campfire. I’m honoured to have such good schools to attend to our campfire. Not only that, we are also invited to Hougang Sec’s campfire during the June holidays on the 10th. It is a combine camp by the Scouts and Girl Guides. We are really looking forward to it.

It will be very interesting. I would like to see Catholic High scouts there. Not that I like them or fancy them but they are very fun. They really liven up the atmosphere during a campfire. We would like to invite some scouts but due to some complications of the teachers and students, we are unable to do so. Therefore, it was only for Girl Guides. Not only that, we are inviting the other uniform group in our school. I hope it wouldn’t be too rowdy with the people from our school.

Not only that, I hope that the boys would control themselves and don’t flirt around with the Girl Guides in our school. I sincerely hope it would successful. I’m going to be the emcee on that day with Jennifer. We would have to be really hyper on that day to get the people going. We are most probably going to be sisters in the story line of the campfire.

Tomorrow would not be such a good day for me. Mrs. Kumar had selected a few students to do a presentation for parents-meet-session. It would be pretty stressful for all of us. I’m doing my part of presentation with Yen Ling. Good luck to both of us. I just have to go with the flow in this case. My mom would be there. That would be pretty awkward. I don’t like being forced. Nonetheless, do I have a choice? There would never a choice given to us; the path had been set out drawn for us. I don’t know why is it so hard to change back.

It seems that my eyes are shutting close soon. Apparently, I need to do laundry as well. I’ll be ending off my entry here. Goodbye!
