


This is my fav song... hahas... but, them, the MV not that nice.. but, it;s ok lar... i've seen better.. but, i post it because of the song.. =) GOONG RAWKS!

I've posted another one.. =) cause this one got sub-titles.. and translation.. hahas.. I love the song.. hahas..

my Beloved Friend..

My friend, she was with me since i was sec 1. Although certain guides meeting, we dun really like her because she's always having excuses to go offearly due to her other commitments like studies. We were pretty close when we were sec 1s. And sec 2. But, her attitude just doesn't click with me i guess. But, we were still friends. I even malign her. All of us thought that she changed another one of my friend. But, now since I saw how close they are. I guess, they are happy. So, let them be. But, wad i saw today. Made me open my eyes. Made me realise how much I really treasure her as a friend and a fellow guide.

She use to be so full of life. Now, it's all thrown away by one incident. She has to fight this. She has to get through these traumas. All of us around her are scared for her. We dare not cry in front of her as we want to remain strong. Even someone I didn't expect to break down would be her mom. I really pity her mom. For enduring this. But, please be ensured that all of us will go to the lenths of our abilities to help her. What may happen tml? What IS going to happen tml?

I guess humilation is a bad thing after all. Other people might be able to take it. But, she can't cause she's who I know she is. She's such a lovely person. She's someone who will not defy anyone. She does wad is instructed. Now, she's lost, lifeless, naive and scared. All of us will be there.Helping her go through this fight of hers. But, she has to help herself. She has to. She has to pull through this big obstacle. I want my friend back!! I'm sure everyone does. She's not irresponsible. She's one of the most responsible person I know. She's one defiant. She's so true to everyone. Hais.. We'll be there for her. Let's just have some hope and pray for her. We must have faith in her. We must.